I have new jewelry!

Check it out! I am very pleased with this new stuff, I finally feel like I am finding my groove.

~ by Caroline on January 15, 2009.

16 Responses to “I have new jewelry!”

  1. Wow – these are really impressive.

  2. Very purty!

  3. I believe you’ve invented a new genre with the first one: “Steamcave”.

  4. Really neat!

  5. You used the bat! All your jewelry is so intricate and unique.
    Are you still doing earrings? I want to buy some off you. I want some red and black ones, like the swirly ones you had in the summer.

  6. I just went to your website. I like the Wildflowers, but not in blue. I want some in black and red. Or something similar…
    We should chat about this. I’ll try to reach you over the weekend.

    • I can make those in black and red. I’d like to hear from you, I miss you guys! I finally broke my old phone so once it gets warmer, I am going to see if I can get your old phone set up. I can still receive calls on my old phone, I just broke the screen. I’ll email you the land line as well.

  7. It’s so cool that the little gears, etc, fit in so well with the pieces! The pieces all are wonderful, but those with the gears are my favorites.
    Best Wishes!

  8. Seeing that bat-and-gear necklace a moment ago made me actually say “OH SHIT” out loud. I never do that.
    It’s amazing.

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